Posts Tagged ‘ sickness ’

06.05.2013: The Beginning of the Worst Week of My Life

I know I’m supposed to be doing a poetry response, but I have just embarked on what I truly believe will be the worst week of my life thus far. I’m going to use this space to shamelessly complain in hopes that it will be counted as a completion grade. This probably won’t be read until after I graduate, anyway.

Anyway, this week is packed even on the topmost layer. I have rehearsal from 6:30 until whenever they let us out every night, one of which I’ll be missing for the band concert on Thursday, and two AP tests. Friday and Saturday are the show dates; 7:00 on Friday and Saturday and 2:30 on Saturday.

At the next level, I’m really stressed out because I just found out about a series of break-ins in my neighborhood. When I got home after rehearsal tonight, one of my neighbors flagged me down and told me someone’s house had been broken into last night. Apparently some people in a black truck with a broken muffler and tinted windows had been cruising, as well. I’ve been alone since Saturday evening (for reasons I will discuss later), and, naturally, I was kind of afraid. I called my parents in Hickory. My father told me he’d been planning on coming home, anyway.

He just got home and the first thing he asked was,  “Where’s my Tahoe?”. I had been under the impression that he and my mother had driven separately to Hickory. I didn’t think it was strange that his car wasn’t in the garage. I was wrong. He didn’t drive his car to Hickory. Someone stole his car three days ago and I only just noticed it.

Well, obviously, that makes me very comfortable about my own powers of observation and the sense of security I feel at any given moment in my house.

The tertiary level of suckiness comes from the fact that my grandmother is, quite frankly, dying. Hospice in involved. I’m terrified that it’s going to happen before I get the chance to see her again. I’m visiting after my AP test on Wednesday, but I’m still really scared. If /when it does happen, I’m probably not going to be able to come immediately. I’d have to finish out the week, or the month, and how am I supposed to live with that? I don’t know what to do at this point. Everything is happening at once and I can’t explain it to my friends because I know it’s a bunch of bullshit. This kind of stuff happens all the time and I have no right to complain about them because it could be much worse.

Somehow, that doesn’t help at all.

24.02.2013: Sickness Is…

I kind of think that we’ve romanticized sickness.

Everything from colds to cancer, we’ve made into a battle. Fight the sickness. Stay in bed to keep up your strength. It just seems weird to me. Those are sayings that we’ve heard all our lives, ever since we got our first ear infections.

But sickness isn’t a battle. It’s a state of being, and for some, it lasts longer than it does for others. Call me heartless, but I don’t really feel bad for people who are sick. They’ve had rotten luck, obviously, but most of them haven’t done anything to earn my respect. Perhaps I just feel that way because I’ve been laying in bed for two of the past three days.

I mean, I’ve been sick with some sort of sinus infection for over a week. I was just sort of toughing it out, you know, taking my horse pills and dealing with it. On Friday, I was actually sick. Huddled in bed clutching my stomach until I had to waddle to the toilet to empty either my stomach or my bowels sick. It sucked a lot, and I lost a lot of the motivation and the forward momentum I had built up on that day.

Before my sick day, I was pumped. I was happier than I’d been in a long time. Most of my problems were no longer developing, but in a stagnant stage in which I could easily deal with them. I’d gotten into two good colleges, had good plans for the end of the semester… it was all looking good, you know?

But when you’re sick, things bother you more easily. I stopped holding everything around me up, I ceased construction on my building and now I’m too lazy to dust off the tools. It took a lot of effort to even write this blog post, something that I’ve been looking forward to! I don’t know what it’s going to take to get me moving again, but it will happen. If anyone has any suggestions, I’m open.

Because today was pretty bad. I couldn’t find any reason to leave the house. It was a beautiful day. I went outside and took pictures, then I made food and stayed on the internet all day. I didn’t talk to any of my friends unless they said something to me first.

Speaking of which, my “friends” are really making me question them lately. More and more often I get the feeling that I’m just some cheap replacement for the people they really want to talk to, that I’m just a filler. Hmmm, everyone’s at the Beta Convention this week. Maybe Stephanie will want to hang out? 

I get the feeling that’s what happened Saturday. I hung out with one of my guy friends. He’s a nice guy (albeit exceedingly arrogant), but we rarely hang out alone. In fact, I rarely hang out with anyone alone. Is that me, or is it my friends? I can’t ever tell.

Hmph. Whatever. I’m sure that this is just a little setback for me. Throughout my lethargic, self-doubting, sorta depressed, really lazy last months of my senior year, I will remain optimistic.

But god, would everything be better if I just had those damn acceptance letters.